Creating YouTube videos and more lab space
Hello readers,
Welcome to my new blog post, in this post I’ll be sharing some ideas that I had.
For the past few weeks I have been thinking of creating posts about setting up a nested ESXi lab with NSX and vSAN. I thought to myself: “Why not make both a blog post and a YouTube tutorial?”. Which is exactly what I will be doing, once my new microphone arrives, is all set up and when it works.
Not only have I been thinking of that, but I’ve also managed to free up some space on my server to run these labs:

With ~60GB of memory left I can run some things at the same time. Right now I have an Exchange Server VM that I use for testing, a Sharepoint Server 2019 VM that I use for testing too, and a Hyper-V VM that I use to explore the Windows and Office Deployment Lab Kit (post of that coming in the future).
Now, I don’t have any of them turned on when I made that screenshot, because I don’t need to. If I don’t use a lab, I power it down so I can start up other labs. Of course, with a lab that would take hours to start, maybe wouldn’t do that. But those labs (Like Azure Stack Development Kit), won’t fit on my server anyway.
This was the update, thank you for reading and have a nice day!