In-place upgrading a NSX-T ESXi Host with multiple host switches.

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Hi everyone,

Here is how I upgraded my NSX-T deployment from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1.

If you tried to in-place update a NSX-T Host that has multiple host switches, you will get an error. You can use this trick to get around this limitation.

First, we log into the NSX-T Manager, and go to the Upgrade tab under system. Here, we upload the file and continues with the upgrade.
We upgrade like normal until we get on the hosts tab. We SSH into the host and we first visit this URL: http://:8080/repository/metadata/manifest
This file contains the link to the zip file that we need to wget in /tmp on the ESXi host. Then we run:

esxcli software vib install -d /tmp/

Once the installation finishes, we refresh the Hosts tab and then we can continue onto the management nodes, and from there we can continue has normal.

However, once the upgrade finishes, you will need to F5 (sometimes CTRL F5 or CTRL R) the page so the error goes away.

Thank you for reading this quick post and I hope that it was useful to you.